GPOD of Idaho Saves $320k Annually with Intralox ARB Solutions
Case StudyGPOD of Idaho | Verbruggen
ARB Equipment, Modular Plastic Belting
Fruit and Vegetable

GPOD of Idaho was facing labor challenges at the back end of its plant. Specifically, the U.S. fresh potato packer struggled to keep employees who were willing to manually stack 50-lb (22.7-kg) boxes of product all day long. The company needed a solution to automate its palletizing line and increase accumulation capacity. GPOD wanted a system that could deliver 26 boxes per minute to the palletizer.
Verbruggen Palletizing Solutions brought Intralox automation experts into the conversation early for help with redesigning the customer’s accumulation lanes. In addition to a Verbruggen high-speed palletizer, GPOD implemented a suite of Intralox solutions to achieve the high accumulation capacity it required, including:
- DARB Sorter S4500
- S400 Roller Top belting
- ARB 90-Degree Transfer S400
- Simulation Services
- Conveyor Design Training
Together with Intralox, Verbruggen Sales Engineering was able to deliver an ideal solution. The equipment, services, and training provided by Intralox helped GPOD achieve its goal of delivering 26 boxes per minute to the palletizer and can easily be upgraded to 40 boxes per minute. Intralox's experts provided the technical support needed to redesign the plant’s accumulation lanes, which has given GPOD 100% control over the product flow. The company was also able to reassign 10 manual labor positions and save $320,000 each year.
This technology is leaps and bounds from the other systems we looked at.
Clayne Bloom
GPOD of Idaho Warehouse Manager