Packer to Palletizer Expertise

Specialized knowledge when you need it most

Intralox’s System Solutions Group helps you identify and solve the challenges that stand in the way of your project’s success. By managing risk, capturing hidden value, and implementing viable, data-driven solutions, these specialized experts help ensure that you meet and exceed your criteria and objectives.

Our System Solutions Group's broad range of knowledge includes:

Technology Expertise: Our experienced application and system engineers thoroughly understand both automated and traditional technologies, including controls philosophy and system design.

Industry Expertise: No matter your line of business—beverage and brewery, consumer goods, or processed and fresh foods—our industry-dedicated teams are knowledgeable about unique issues and prevailing trends.

Global Presence: We manufacture belts and equipment, and also provide account and technical support, from headquarters and assembly centers around the world. Our global sales and engineering teams convene regularly to discuss customer challenges, share best practices, and facilitate the standardization of products, processes, and solutions.

Intralox Package Handling System Design cover

Making the Right Choice

For a more detailed guide to making the right line layout decisions, read our report: “Flexible or Direct? Choosing Your Package Handling System Design”

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With the DARB Sorter, we can get a tighter gap between the boxes, and then more boxes through on a faster moving belt. It’s a good system.

Mikey Hanks
Washington Fruit System Operator

Case Studies
