Brazil Court Rules in Favor of ThermoDrive patent
Competitor sought to invalidate position limiter patent
- News
- November 11, 2020

Intralox announced today that a Brazil court dismissed a competitor claim challenging ThermoDrive LLC’s position limiter patent in Brazil. The competitor, Ibraflex, is ordered to stop publishing collateral related to the position limiter and refrain from practicing any other act that may constitute an infringement of Intralox’s rights and interests.
Unlike traditional tensioned flat belts, Intralox ThermoDrive technology optimizes the performance of conveyor systems with its patented tensionless belt system. This eliminates mistracking and risks such as edge fraying, wavy edges, and product contamination. Intralox’s patented position limiter solution—a combination of limiters, sprockets, and belting—keeps the belt engaged, even in applications where product debris migrates to the underside of the belt, eliminating the need for belt tensioning and tracking mechanisms.
Intralox reminds all customers that ThermoDrive technology is the only tensionless option on the market. With simpler sanitation, reliable performance, and an uncompromising approach to food safety, ThermoDrive technology helps you protect the integrity of your product and your brand.