Enable Simpler, Faster Belt Washdown with the Intralox Clean-in-Place Spray Bar

  • Spotlight
  • October 4, 2024
Intralox Clean-In-Place Spray Bar spraying water onto white conveyor belt

The Intralox Clean-in-Place (CIP) spray bar was designed to maximize cleanability and simplify hygienic procedures for food manufacturers. Our stainless steel spray bar uses a custom-engineered spray pattern to both increase and expedite debris removal from your belting—including the underside, sprockets, and shaft. Compatible with most conveyors, our CIP spray bar cleans belts quickly, effectively, and consistently with less cleaning time and water usage than manual cleaning.

For a PDF version of this information, download our Clean In Place Spray Bar Product Highlight

Successful implementation of CIP systems is a team sport that includes: engineering, assessments, and on-site maintenance training from Intralox; sanitation and hygienic design consultation from Commercial Food Sanitation; and most importantly, alignment and engagement from all plant functions supporting the sanitation team.

Steve Tsuyuki
Senior Director of Corporate Sanitation and Sanitary Design at Maple Leaf Foods

Benefits and Features

  • Reduces cleaning time by 60%
  • Decreases water usage by 25%
  • Significantly improves cleaning consistency and effectiveness
  • Compatible with most conveyors
  • Made of 303/304 stainless steel
reduction in cleaning time
decrease in water consumption

* By implementing Intralox’s CIP spray bar, one food processor greatly improved sanitation and achieved these results

Team Tip: The success of any assisted cleaning system depends on integrating a sound sanitation program alongside proper hygienic design. Both Intralox and Commercial Food Sanitation—an Intralox company—help achieve this with our CIP offerings.

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